Monday, April 6, 2009

My journey towards a beautiful face :) poor neglected face. Well, always had issues with breaking out ever since I was a teenager, and it still comes and goes (and I'm 36 now)....well at least it comes, takes awful long to go. I have fair skin, so every blemish on my skin leaves a pinkish mark for a good month or so. So I decided now is the time to figure out HOW to make things better. I've always had a problem with dry skin so that doesn't help with trapping in the bad stuff! I started using St. Ives Medicated Apricot Scrub again, and it's making my skin feel so smooth. It's amazing how skin feels when it's rejuvenated and without dead skin on it!

And then I went and bought some more Biore Pore Strips....OMGosh, if you haven't used these, if you get clogged pores, you have GOT to try it!!! They're so fun.

Sooo...WHAT DO YOU USE? I'm open to trying something new. One thing I need to find is a solution to the redness I have developed over the past year on my nose and cheeks. It appears to be broken capillaries. I read online to try Arnica 30, it's a homeopathic solution and I'm not sure where to find it. Hoping I can find some to try.

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